What Are Allergies And How Can Acupuncture Help?

Acupuncture relieves allergies River West Chicago

Specific acupuncture points can bring quick relief, opening up the sinuses, reducing inflammation and relieving congestion.

Regular treatment can calm the histamine reaction, strengthen the immune system, balance the body and often dramatically decrease the unpleasant symptoms.


Spring Into Action

One basic tenet of Chinese Medicine is that we are connected to the local environment and to the vast universe. It follows that, as the world changes, we do well to also change. Our physical and mental …


Easing Allergy Symptoms With Acupressure And Diet

Want to learn how to ease your allergy symptoms at home? Watch this video I made with my friend and colleague Tracie Hinton-Chavez. In this installment of ‘Easy Health At Home’  we discuss allergies; including dietary …


Seasonal Acupuncture for Optimal Health

Seasonal acupuncture treatments just four times a year serve to boost our overall health, immunity and can correct minor annoyances before they become serious problems. Acupuncture is popularly known for correcting problems but Americans are …


Acupuncture Offers Effective Allergy Relief

Large Intestine 4 Allergies are a common problem with symptoms ranging from the occasional sniffle to severe, life threatening reactions. Many people don’t realize how very effective both acupuncture and Chinese herbs are for relieving …


What is Acupuncture and How Can it Help You?

from the examiner.comby Katie Mattson Acupuncture is a 4,000 year old system of treatment based in Chinese health care that uses sterile needles to activate energy channels in the body. Don’t discount it’s effects because …
