Acupuncture Benefits Veterans

I’m happy to report that acupuncture has been helpful too many Veterans who have defended our country, deserve and need the support. Veterans in this country have served bravely and suffered for it, and I …


For Yom Kippur – 3 Steps of Atonement

Yom Kippur is upon us, it is the day of atonement in the Jewish religion. Therefore it seems appropriate to think seriously about its meaning.  Whether you are Jewish or not, the steps are relevant because, …


Sign Up For My Newsletter Now!

I will be sending out my newsletter for the Chinese New Year tomorrow, 1/24/20! If you’re not already signed up: Click Here Now My latest newsletter will tell you about the ‘Year of the Metal Rat’ …


Seasonal Acupuncture for Optimal Health

Seasonal acupuncture treatments just four times a year serve to boost our overall health, immunity and can correct minor annoyances before they become serious problems. Acupuncture is popularly known for correcting problems but Americans are …


Healthy Herbal Coolers To Quench Your Thirst This Summer

Here in Chicago it is thrilling to finally have some warmer weather! In this post Cathy Margolin,  the owner of Pacific Herbs, shares two delicious, easy recipes for cooling drinks, perfect for Summer weather. Even …


Happy Earth Day!

    “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” John Muir 
