Winter Squash Soup

Winter Squash is a wonderful food for a cold rainy season. The abundance of this tasty squash peaks in early Fall and is available to early winter.

During cold weather, I suggest that you switch from cold, raw foods, such as salads, to warmer, cooked foods, such as soups and steamed vegetables.

This brings us to Winter squash a food that is sweet, warm, beneficial to your digestion, and from a Chinese Medicine perspective it supplements your qi and nourishes your Yang energy. 

Squash provides a huge amount of vitamin A as well as many other vital nutrients. It is anti-inflammatory, strengthens the immune system, helps manage symptoms of diabetes, can reduce blood pressure and protect heart health. Most importantly, squash tastes terrific!

Below, I found a recipe that pairs squash with another wonderful food, ginger. Ginger is also an anti-inflammatory food, benefits digestion, neutralize poisons in food, ventilates your lungs, aids the circulation to your limbs and, as a medicine, it has been shown to be helpful in counteracting nausea from morning sickness, motion sickness, and food contamination.

Ginger Squash Soup

This delicious soup is the perfect “comfort food”. Brenda Langton, owner of restaurants Cafe Brenda and Spoon River, recommends experimenting with the many different winter squash varieties to find the balance of richness and sweetness that best suits your taste.

Here is a recipe from The Cafe Brenda Cookbook.


1 medium butternut or buttercup squash
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
3 tablespoons peeled and chopped ginger root
2 large cloves garlic, chopped
4 cups vegetable stock
3 tablespoons yellow or white miso
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white pepper juice of
1 orange
1/4 to 1/2 cup half and half (optional)


1. Wash the squash well. Peel and use the peelings in the stock. Chop the squash into 1-inch pieces, discarding the seeds. You should have about 4-5 cups chopped squash.

2. In a large soup kettle, saute the onion, ginger, and garlicin vegetable oil. When the onion softens, add the squash and saute for five more minutes.

3. Add stock and cover pot. Simmer over medium heat for 30-40 minutes.

4. Add miso, salt, pepper and orange juice. Puree soup in a blender in batches, if necessary, until smooth. Add cream. If the soup is too thick, add more soup stock.

Serves 4-6.

If you are trying to avoid eating dairy products, try adding coconut milk.
This adds a creamy texture and a coconut flavor.



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