Chinese Classics From 300 B.C. Discovered

I just read this very interesting article in the New York Times. About 2,500 muddy bamboo strips were given to the Tsinghua University in Beijing for study by Li Xueqin, a historian and paleographer at …


Happy Chinese New Year!

According to ancient legend, the noise and excitement of the Chinese New Year began because villagers had to fight a ferocious beast called the Nian. This creature emerged from the sea or the mountains once …


The Hungry Ghost Festival

  Halloween has become such a favorite holiday in the U.S. that many people are surprised to learn that countries in the East do not celebrate Halloween. However, in China there is the Hungry Ghost …


Baby Dragons Are In High Demand

You would think that only dragon moms and dads would want dragon babies but – no.  Many people who believe in the Chinese astrological calender are thinking about dragon babies.  This is The Year Of …


Year of the Dragon Year of the Video !!!!

The Chinese New Year begins on January 23rd when we usher in The Year of The Dragon. Dragon years can be filled with excitement and opportunity. To begin in the right spirit, I’ve made my …


Ready To Fly?

There are 12 animal symbols represented in Asian astrology and this year is The Year of the Dragon. Of all the symbols, the Dragon is the one mythical creature (as compared to Tiger, Rabbit and …


Virgos Need Not Apply

It’s a good thing that my mother has a career because, being a Virgo, she would be excluded from some jobs in china. No kidding. I just read an article that appeared in The Telegraph …


Food As Medicine Is Common Sense

Here in the U.S. and in most Western countries, we think of food as food and medicine as medicine; rarely linking the two. Many countries understand that food IS medicine. I found a particularly useful …


Food As Medicine

“A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down…”  Oh, Mary Poppins, you are sooo yesterday!  The Chinese have something much better and certainly healthier. The China Daily has a story about a restaurant …
