There is, “good scientific evidence for this use,” states the website of the Susan G. Komen Foundation referring to acupuncture as a tool in cancer treatment. The Komen Foundation is a premier breast cancer …
Chinese Medicine is wonderful for marathon runners. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be helpful both pre and post race. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) treats many ailments that may occur during training, including overuse injuries, joint …
A study showing that acupuncture can help women having IVF to conceive has gotten good coverage in the United Kingdom. Here are the highlights…… Women who underwent the ancient Chinese treatment during IVF treatment increased …
Are you getting ready to run? Last year, a staff member from Runner’s World magazine developed plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the layer of tissue that supports the arch of the foot, got no conventional relief …
In support of Breast Cancer month, I want to reproduce a study that was posted on Integrative Medicine’s site on October 1, 2008. The results of a study conducted at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit …
Here is another ABC News Video on the benefits of acupuncture. In this report, acupuncture is being used before, during and after surgery to lessen side effects and soothe pain.To watch the video click here.
White (not sweet) potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tamarios, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, cayenne, and Tabasco sauce are classified as nightshade foods. The ongoing question is, “Do nightshade vegetables increase joint problems such …
Here is another very informative article from Acupuncture and PregnancyBy: Naomi Rabinowitz MD, Dipl.Ac. Since Confucianism involves ancestral worship, the Chinese have been strongly committed to having healthy children. A sturdy son was desired …
I am happy to report that TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) has truly become universal! China has just launched it’s third mission into space and the Taikonauts are using Chinese herbal medicine to combat motion sickness. …