An Oatmeal Recipe To Keep You Warm And Healthy

Hey Folks, here is a wonderful winter recipe from from South Loop Acupuncture.


Good quality oatmeal (I usually use rolled oats or a combination of rolled w/ flax seeds)
Rice milk
Dried cranberries or goji berries

Walnuts are good for the brain. They are high in omega3 and contain good fats. They can improve brain function as well. The honey is a nice moistening agent for the intestines. Like goji berries cranberries are very good for the blood.

Follow the directions on the package for cooking instructions. I usually make mine stove top in an old iron pan. (Yes you do actually absorb iron from a pan when you are cooking from it. So if you are anemic it can help add more iron to your diet). I add in the goji berries and walnuts while cooking it to soften them a bit.

Key points

* When ever taking flaxseed be sure to grind up the seed, or to take the oil. Seeds are not digested by the body very easily. Therefore, you want to break them down before you consume them.

* You can not cook with flax seed oil! You must keep it in the refrigerator!

* Eat for the season. Food grows during certain times of year for a reason. They offer the nutrients that you need for that particular season. During the fall and winter months be sure to eat warm foods and not raw. In order to digest raw foods your body needs to bring it down to body temperature. If it is cold outside and you are eating cold foods your body has to work twice as hard. So if you must eat chocolate during the winter exchange the chocolate ice cream for some chocolate cake.



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