Offering online consultations to women dealing with Vulvodynia, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and other types of Vulvar pain.
In my Chicago office, I have successfully treated women with Chinese Medicine which includes acupuncture, herbs, lifestyle and dietary suggestions.
I’ve had women reach out to me from other states in the U.S. as well as internationally, which is why I started this online program.
Consultation includes
- Completing detailed relevant medical history. Prior to the initial consultation, I will have you fill out paperwork, and I will review it.
- A one hour initial consultation. At this first online meeting, I will look at your tongue, ask questions and get even more history from you. After I have a good understanding of your unique problem, I will offer personalized lifestyle, dietary and herbal recommendations.
- A detailed resource list with suggestions to reduce/relieve and prevent your pain, sent to you.
- If you are living in the U.S., I can have recommended herbs shipped to you directly from companies I have researched and whose products I use daily in my Chicago office.
- If you are seeing an acupuncturist who would like suggestions about points I often use on my in-office patients, I will be happy to email them at no extra cost.
During follow up consultations, I will be able to monitor your progress, answer questions, assist you in adjusting your lifestyle changes, offer support, and teach you acupressure points that you can do at home.
As I expand the program, all patients will have the opportunity to join a private Facebook group and have access to new content as it becomes available.
Consultation Hours by Appointment
Consultations can be done via Zoom, FaceTime or Skype
Initial 1 Hour Consultation: $150
Follow up Consultations of 30 Minutes: $70
Payment options are PayPal or Square invoice
To schedule a consultation please email me at
Vulvodynia and other types of Vulvar pain are high on the list of rarely discussed problems that leave women suffering silently.
In spite of the fact that, according to the National Vulvodynia Association, as many as 16 percent of women in the U.S. will suffer from Vulvodynia at some point in their lives.
Do I have Vulvodynia?
If you have been tested and cleared of having an infection, but the pain continues for more than a couple of months, and it is not due to another specific cause, your physician may diagnose you as having Vulvodynia and/or Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, two conditions that fall into the overall category of Vulvar pain.
General symptoms include
Irritation or itching of the Vulva
- Being unable to comfortably wear clothing of your choice
- Painful intercourse
- A throbbing or burning sensation on the Vulva
- All of these symptoms can effect the entire vulva or just one spot
- It also very common to have pelvic floor dysfunction
For more than 17 years, I’ve been treating women with Vulvar pain, notably women dealing with Vulvodynia and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. During this time, I’ve become increasingly aware that these disorders are rarely discussed with family members, friends, or even healthcare professionals.
Embarrassment and fear of being told it is all in their heads are powerful forces that keep women suffering in silence. That’s the bad news. The good news is that many of the painful Vulvar and Pelvic Floor conditions can be successfully treated.
Stay in touch… in the near future, I hope to offer online classes and mentoring to practitioners seeking to develop their skills working with women affected by Vulvodynia.
Follow my Instagram Account to learn more about
Vulvodynia, Vulvar Pain and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction @vulvodyniaproject.