Are You Getting Enough Of This Vital Mineral ?

Magnesium glycinate has been increasing in popularity for several years –  with good reasons. However, since 2020, I’ve seen this impressive mineral hit superstar status in my practice. Why? Probably because it effectively addresses many …


Cupping and Olympic Athletes

I’ll bet there are many Winter Olympic athletes who use cupping, but they may be hard to find. We notice cupping more often in the Summer Olympic Games – no surprise – because the athletes …


3 Olympic Athletes Who Use Acupuncture

The Beijing Olympic Games begin on February 4, fittingly right after the Chinese New Year. No doubt, we will marvel at the new athletes and new world records. The Olympics always provide me with the …


Pop Quiz: Match The Country With The Tradition

For years I’ve written about the various traditions associated with the Chinese New Year, but recently I began to think about new year’s traditions that exist in other parts of the world so I did …


Year of the Tiger

Let the celebrations begin! The Year of the Water Tiger roars in on February 1, 2022, based on the Lunar calendar. Traditions for the Chinese New Year date back thousands of years and are designed …


Let’s talk about Vulvas and Vulvodynia

Vulvodynia and other types of Vulvar pain are high on the list of rarely discussed problems that leave women suffering silently. Despite the advances made in the last century in numerous areas, many women still …


Year of the Ox

I’m more than ready to wave goodbye to the aptly named ‘Year of the Rat’ and welcome in a brand new year and fresh possibilities. This Chinese Lunar New Year begins on February 12, 2021.  …


Is Lying Bad For You?

The Perils of Lying: explained by psychologist and author, Dr. Linda Edelstein. This video is part of a new series called ‘Psychology you can use’. To see more of my videos, check out my youtube …


Easing Allergy Symptoms With Acupressure And Diet

Want to learn how to ease your allergy symptoms at home? Watch this video I made with my friend and colleague Tracie Hinton-Chavez. In this installment of ‘Easy Health At Home’  we discuss allergies; including dietary …
