The Candidates’ Policies on Alternative Medicine

I was interested to learn that both Presidential candidates have taken a stand on the inclusion of alternative medicine in health care insurance. In their health care proposals, Obama and McCain have the following differences. …


Chinese medicine may benefit eczema

This article is from Marie Claire MagazineUK edition March 2008 A traditional combination of five Chinese herbs may alleviate eczema, new research suggests. After a study in Hong Kong, determining the effect of ‘pentaherbs formulation’ …


Acupuncture can Help Treating Pelvic Girdle Pain

Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is a condition of pregnancy where women experience pain in their buttocks and/or shooting down their legs. About 20% of pregnant women report this problem which can prevent them from doing …


Green Tea, Cholesterol and Heart Health

Some Heart Healthy news about Green Tea from Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOMThere have been some intriguing studies indicating that green tea can be extremely effective in the fight against high cholesterol. Specifically, the beverage reduces …


How to have a Happy and Healthy Halloween

I love Halloween! Here are some suggestions from MSNBC Nutritionist Joy Bauer. She has some smart ideas for managing the sugar overdose that comes with mixing kids, candy, and Halloween. *Choose smaller sized candy, often …


More News on Breast Cancer and Acupuncture

Fighting Cancer On All FrontsThis Story was reported byMIAMI (CBS4) ―Sep 8, 2008 For many patients the diagnosis of cancer can be physically devastating with chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. But for some, the disease takes …
