Latest Celebrity Round Up Of Chinese Medicine Fans

Celebrities attract a lot of attention and become trendsetters. When well known people endorse a product, many others are happy to try the same exercise, read the same book or experience acupuncture. And celebrities are loving acupuncture! More and more, I read articles about various athletes and entertainers who are trying acupuncture, herbs or cupping.

Here are some of my latest finds:

The actor Stephen Collins is one of my personal favorites. I follow him on twitter and he often tweets about his love of acupuncture. Here is an example from 3/31/11 when he tweeted, “About to have acupuncture, which I LOVE.”

Stephen also turned me on to Melissa Gilbert who tweeted me that she is also an acupuncture fan. That’s right folks, little Laura Ingals has left the farm and joined us in the world of alternative medicine.

Natalie Portman told a writer from Marie Claire magazine that she used acupuncture to cut down on her stress while she was pregnant. I hope she has continued treatment since being a new mother is probably more stressful than being pregnant.

Jessica Simpson expressed her love of cupping to US magazine.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation is funding a study to see if acupuncture can relieve some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

Professional athletes continue to turn to acupuncture for pain relief and injury rehabilitation. Staying in shape and injury free is vital to their careers so it is no surprise that many of them are open to acupuncture to help them keep in tip top shape. Mickael Pietrus, the famous NBA player for the Phoenix Suns sought treatment at the Shaolin Temple in China, and Ray Emery of the Chicago Blackhawks used acupuncture to help in his long recovery process.

Thank you all for your support!


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