Why You Should Be Eating Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are one of my new favorite superfoods. These ancient seeds were commonly consumed by people in the Mayan and Aztec cultures, Chia even got its name from the Mayan word for “strength.” They …


Winter Squash Soup

Winter Squash is a wonderful food for Winter. The abundance of this tasty squash peaks in early Fall and is available to early winter. Winter squash is a food that nourishes your Yang energy which …


Chinese Medicine Can Help You Sleep

If you have experienced insomnia, you know that having sleep problems is miserable. It affects every aspect of your life, especially if it’s chronic. Insomnia may affect you differently than others – some people have …


10 Easy Tips to Live a Healthier, Longer Life

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long history of healing and rejuvenation that teaches us a great deal about aging well. Two thousand years ago, ancient Chinese scholars described the stages of aging in the Huang …


7 Helpful Tips For Addiction Recovery

Seven Addiction Recovery Tips From Acufinder.com 1. Exercise more. Exercise can reduce your stress and help you relax. 2. Get plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable juices to neutralize and clear the blood and to fortify …


5 Health Tips for Winter

Living in harmony with the seasons is an ancient Chinese belief.  We’ve been lucky so far with the winter weather in Chicago but it remains cold and dark. Winter urges us to slow down. This …


Food As Medicine Is Common Sense

Here in the U.S. and in most Western countries, we think of food as food and medicine as medicine; rarely linking the two. Many countries understand that food IS medicine. I found a particularly useful …
