Can Eating Walnuts Make You Smarter? Maybe…

A recent, new study links eating a handful of walnuts to improved cognitive function. The research analyzed a series of very large US nutritional surveys of people aged 20 to 90 years old, and the scientists concluded that people who ate more walnuts had improved cognitive health. Not a ton of walnuts per day, just a handful. Furthermore, people benefited regardless of age, gender or ethnicity.

This study was published in December, 2014 by the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. It is not the first one to find a link between walnut consumption and improved cognitive health. In July of 2014 the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, published research (performed on mice, not humans) suggested that walnuts may be beneficial in reducing the risk, delaying onset, or slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. At that time, it was also reported that a diet rich in walnuts increased memory and learning skills.

These studies seem to point the way to an easy, enjoyable health benefit. Eating walnuts may help our brains in a number of ways, including delaying disease, enhancing memory, improving concentration and assisting faster processing of information.

I don’t know about you, but I think I’m going to include more walnuts in my diet.


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